The Power of Fractal Drawing

The Power of Fractal Drawing

Fractal drawing, known as a unique form of art therapy, is a method discovered in the early 1990s by scientist, family psychologist, psychiatrist Tanzilija Polujachtova.

The primary goal of this artistic technique is to connect with one’s subconscious by drawing and coloring intricate line patterns. Through the intuitive use of colors and forms, this method helps to extract information about one's emotional and psychological issues from the past, present, and even the future. This process allows individuals to identify, acknowledge, and most importantly, address and resolve these issues independently.

The Secret of Fractal Drawing: How It Touches the Physical Body

At the core of fractal drawing lies the relaxing and intuitive process that merges the conscious and subconscious mind. The contour of a fractal is drawn with closed eyes, and when creating a diagnostic fractal, the colored pencils are also chosen without looking. This drawing process is done in a state of complete relaxation yet heightened awareness, carefully following the rules of coloring. Much like in meditation, the person is relaxed and alert simultaneously, making fractal drawing a form of active meditation.

During meditation, it’s common to experience a flow of subconscious information. Messages from the inner voice, unexpected solutions to problems, and creative or business ideas often come to light. Similarly, while drawing fractals, one might suddenly feel a surge of emotion, remember a specific person or situation, or come up with a solution to a particular problem.

The cerebral cortex holds our subconscious state, past experiences, and potential patterns of disease formation. This information is reflected in the fractal drawing through colors and lines. By noticing these patterns, one can gain valuable insights into health and wellness, potentially offering support in health-related matters.

The Power of Fractal Drawing

Fractal drawings provide a window into the artist's character traits, emotional state, past psychological traumas, innate talents, and even the areas of the body or organs that may require attention. It’s fascinating to see the surprise on people's faces when a teacher identifies a headache, circulatory issues, digestive tract problems, or internal inflammation from their diagnostic drawing—issues that might not be visible to the naked eye and even unknown to the individual themselves. However, it’s important to note that fractal drawing is not an alternative or substitute for serious medical and psychological examinations and treatments. It is a supplementary therapeutic tool that, when used alongside traditional medicine, can potentially lead to better and faster results.

A fractal drawing is an open book that anyone can learn to read. The greatest value of this technique lies in its ability to allow individuals to explore themselves deeply. A person who understands the fractal method holds a powerful tool in their hands, enabling them to change themselves and influence the changes in their surrounding environment.

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