Discover the magic of art with our special fractal collection

Each fractal work has a specific meaning, created through the use of color combinations and symbols. 

The fractal artwork is created by drawing on a blank sheet of paper with eyes closed, using both hands together, and then filling it in with colored pencils. All of the bags in this collection are handmade in Lithuania. 

Exclusive fractal art with meaning. Let’s dive into the fractal world together!

New York Fashion Week Collection

Laimes Kamertonas has made history as the first brand to feature fractal arts in #NYFW

My story

After having studied fractal drawing method and receiving teacher masters I would like to personally invite you to enter my world and join this journey!

Laimes Kamertonas focuses on practical and meaningful designs for clothes and accessories. Each fractal work has a specific meaning, created through the use of color combinations and symbols. 

Here I want to spread a message about meaningful art, creativity, and inner freedom to present our emotions. 

With Love,

Ieva Mazionyte Lukoic

My Blog

Laimes Kamertonas has made history as the first brand to feature fractal arts in #NYFW

We take immense pride in our membership in the Lithuanian Creator's Club, an organzation that unites accomplished artisans who produce exceptional handcrafted goods of the utmost quality.