Collection: Curly Fauna

Fractal strengthens the satisfaction of life and a sense of security. It helps to make an important decision and encourages you to take a bold step towards your inner transformation.

The work Curly Fauna stands out with its combination of light blue, green, and purple colours. In psychology, light blue is considered the colour of tranquillity and comfort. Light blue shades promote independence, content, and assuredness. Green is the colour of health, prosperity, and concentration. It relaxes, heals, promotes perseverance, disperses negative emotions, and helps focus when making decisions. Purple is associated with big changes and strong energy. This colour activates the energy inside a person and may encourage to take an important, bold step.

This painting captures the states of liberation, independence, and inner transformation.

All of the fractal drawings were drawn on a white sheet of paper with eyes closed, using both hand simultaneously, and were coloured-in with pencils.